New Planning for HiQ Tyreservices – Chatham Road

2 mins read

Author: Julia Matcham
Tyre Services-photoA first application for redevelopping the site of HiQ Tyreservices – Chatham Road was released this summer, but eventually withdrawn a few months later.
The Council has published (6 January 2010) the new application for redevelopment of the site called “HiQ Tyreservices” (76 – 80 Chatham Road SW11, off Northcote Road) involving demolition of existing commercial building to provide a shop, 5 houses and 3 flats , with roof terraces and 6 off-street parking spaces.
There are a number of reasons for opposing this development proposed to replace the very useful HiQ Tyre Services which stands at the bottom of Chatham Road, not least the loss of such a valuable facility.
In this new application, which is very little changed from the last one, the developers are now applying for 8 (instead of 9) residential units, and a shop. This is still far too much. Proposed are 5 x 3 bed units, 1 x 2 bed, 2 x 1 bed, plus a shop which they suggest will have 6 employees.
There are 17 double bed spaces and two single bed spaces. If all the beds were to be occupied, that would mean a possible 36 new residents of Chatham Road.
Add to them the shop employees (estimated by the developers as 6) and please consider the proposed provision of 6 car parking spaces!
Allowing developers to cram people into small gardenless ‘units’ has a deleterious effect on the community. We would like people to be able to enjoy living in this road and be part of a neighbourly situation.
The word ‘units’ describes the situation perfectly. People are not happy in units… they move on as fast as they can. Five decent houses in that area would be quite enough and would be more likely to contribute to a stable friendly community.
Not long ago we have had a block of 6 houses built where Crete Shipping used to be. More recently we have had 4 big residential units built at the back of areas that used to service the community. At the top of the road Robert Hughes’ building got a change from working units to ‘live-work’. This road is already densely occupied.
The loss of HiQ Tyre Services, which is in fact a general purposes garage, will be a serious blow to many local residents. There are fewer and fewer such facilities as the value of the real-estate eclipses the value of the businesses.
I can see from the ‘Design and Access Statement’ on the web that the developers have been discussing the development with Mr Bob Leuty of Wandsworth’s Planning Department, and they seem to have been reassured that their plans meet the Council’s criteria. I do hope the Council will think hard about allowing the road to be degraded by overcrowding.

Click on the image to see it bigger

You can compare the “change” with the previous application 2009/2518:

Tyre Services  - elevationClick on the image to see it bigger


  • The people at the garage thought the owners were sorting out a new lease!

You may contact the planning application service to let them know your view:
Planning Application/Mark Hunter [Ref: 2009/4484]
or write to:
Planning Service – Technical Services Department, Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
London SW18 2PU
Related articles:

  1. Planning: HiQ Tyreservices – Chatham Road (August 24th 2009)
  2. HiQ Tyreservices – Chatham Road: planning withdrawn

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CJI editor and Clapham Junction Action Group co-founder and coordinator since 2008, Cyril has lived in Clapham Junction since 2001.
He is also funder and CEO of Habilis-Digital Ltd, a digital agency creating and managing websites and Internet solutions.


  1. This planning application can not go ahead, havent we got enough flats and houses, we need HiQ, it is the only garage by us, and not just that, I can safely say that its the most honest and reliable garage I have ever been to. Every time I have been in there I have had an exceptional service. We have got to do all we can to save this garage and let the council know that we do not want this application to go through. I just hope the owners of HiQ are fighting for this garage aswell

  2. Please let us keep HiQ. The area is short of down to earth practical service providers and has too many densely packed residential sections. In addition HiQ have always been honest helpful and friendly

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